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How much is shipping?

Shipping prices are displayed on product pages. Please ensure that you have selected your delivery country to ensure that the correct shipping options and prices are shown.

How long will my order take to arrive?

The earliest possible delivery date is available on each product page. Click the “info” symbol next to the name of the delivery method to view the date. Delivery times depend on the destination country and the selected shipping method. Please note that some remote locations in Europe require additional transit time.

What is the difference between your shipping methods?
  Fruits and Flowers must be sent with either Standard or Express shipping to ensure freshness
  Ground Standard Express Standard Express
Handled by a
professional shipping
Online tracking V V V V V
Multiple delivery
Special attention by
our customer care
Delivery on Or
before the requested
delivery date
Typically V On Requested
V On Requested
Delivery on the
requested delivery
Possible Possible V Possible V
Where are orders shipped from?

All gifts are prepared by our staff and depart from our warehouse in Ardooie, Belgium. The city of Ardooie is strategically located near the French border, and is less than 100 miles from the UK, the Netherlands, and Germany.

Will the recipient have to pay any taxes, customs, or duties?

Recipients within the European Union, Switzerland, and Norway will never have to pay taxes or duties.

For shipments outside the European Union we attempt to prepay any customs; however, it is possible, but highly unlikely, that local customs officials will require extra customs fees. We will attempt to assist if this unfortunate situation arises. Customs inspections can cause a delay of 24-72 hours. Please check our Terms and conditions for more information.

Why is shipping to one country more expensive than another?

As a company we strive to find the right balance between service quality and cost efficiency. As we work with different shippers and deliver in different regions, shipping costs may vary. For instance, deliveries to a large country like Germany cost less than deliveries to islands like Cyprus or Malta.

Do you offer next day delivery for gifts to Europe?

Gifts with next day delivery are available for Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. For next day delivery, orders must typically be placed before 12pm CET (Brussels time) Monday - Thursday for delivery on the next business day (holidays and weekends excluded). Orders placed on Fridays by 12pm CET will be delivered on the next Monday (excluding fruit, flowers, highly perishable goods, or chocolates during warm weather).

The earliest possible delivery date is available on each product page. Click the “info” symbol next to the name of the delivery method to view the date. Note that during peak seasons, order cut off times may vary, so please always check the earliest available delivery date for the gift you have selected.


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